Making journaling more approachable because you deserve to reconnect with yourself

Enrollment is currently closed but we have something great coming 11/26/2021

I get it. Journaling can feel like just another chore

"I have no time. I can barely pee without being interrupted."

"I've tried it again and again, but I'm never consistent. I just end up giving up."

"AH! Writing my deepest secrets feels scary. What if someone finds it and reads it?!"

"I actually love it, but I wish I had more direction. I hate staring at the blank page."

Here's the truth, mama...

You don't need any fancy tools, a ton of quiet time, or a bunch of rules to follow. Modern journaling isn't about feverishly recounting every moment of your day or venting page after page of your grievances.

Instead, journaling is the fastest and most approachable form of self-care and self-compassion. No appointment needed. No special skills required.

Mom Prompts™ is the only downloadable journal specifically created with motherhood in mind because you deserve to reconnect with the most important person in your life: you.

Pressed for time? No worries. 5 minutes will do. Can't do it everyday? No problem. Do it when you feel inspired. Feel clueless about where to start or what to write? Mama, I gotchu! I've created over 200 prompts to get you started.

And what topics are covered in this amazing downloadable journal?

  • Self-love and respect
  • Homemaking
  • Money
  • Your future and past self
  • The present moment
  • Mindset
  • Judgement
  • Gratitude
  • Motherhood
  • Boundaries
  • Marriage
  • Relationships
  • Goals
  • BONUS prompts for kids!

Here's what you get when you join:

  • The FULL downloadable journal with over 200 prompts

You get immediate access to the journal in full to download and use however you like. Print it yourself, have it professionally bound or simply view the prompts online and use your own blank notebook. The possibilities are endless here.

  • An exclusive and private course area to house all the goodies

No more worrying about where that email or link went. No losing the download. You'll get password-protected access to your own course area to view the journal in full, or broken down by topic for ease.

  • A pep-talk audio lesson to accompany each section

Let's be honest: getting started isn't easy and keeping the momentum can feel like a chore. Each topic begins with a short and empowering pep-talk lesson.

  • BONUS: Prompts for KIDS

The best way to create a habit is to start as early as possible. A growth mindset is huge for kids and journaling is one of the best ways to create one.

This is more than just another blank notebook

No more staring at the lines of a beautiful, but empty notebook wondering what you write and feeling like a failure when nothing comes out.

It's time to give yourself the gift of getting to know you.

This downloadable journal gives you instant access to the 200+ prompts. No waiting on shipping. You can get started immediately!

Meet the creator of Mom Prompts™

Hey there, sweet mama!

I'm Kendra Hennessy, founder and CEO of Mother Like a Boss™ and the creator of this downloadable journaling experience. I love putting reluctant homemakers back in the driver's seat of motherhood, especially through practical mindset shifts.

Got questions?

Q: "I've tried journaling in the past and I feel like it didn't work for me. Will this be different?"

Honestly, I don't know because I can't know what you've tried or the effort you gave. Journaling is a practice, meaning that the more often you do it, the easier it becomes. The more often you do it, the more benefits you see as well. I've crafted over 200 prompts on a variety of topics so you can get what you need, when you need it. You don't have to create a prompt on the fly or stare at an empty page feeling weird about what you write. If you're ready to give yourself 5 minutes a day to start, this can drastically help you change the way you look at journaling and self-care. THAT I can promise you, mama.

Q: "Do I have to print it? I don't have a printer and don't want to spend money having it printed."

NOPE! You'll be able to pull up the workbooks/PDFs on any device when you login and can use any notebook or blank journal you life to write it all out. This is about simplicity and accessibility for everyone

Q: "Is the PDF fillable? Can I type in it, or do I need to print it?"

As answered above, no, you absolutely don't need to print it. However, it is also not "fillable" meaning that you can't type into the journal PDF. Journals are meant to be written in by hand. If you wish to type, you can always start a word of Google doc, but I HIGHLY recommend writing by hand.

Q: "Are you sending the journal to me in the mail?"

No, ma'am! This is all online, meaning you have access to it all the time. 24/7, 365, for a lifetime. This also means I get to add bonuses in, like pep-talks audio lessons for each topic in the journal, and a welcome video. You definitely don't get that when you get a blank notebook in the mail. I love being able to serve you without having to deal with shipping. Plus, you can print it off and return to the prompts as many times as you like.